Goodbye to 2025.
actor:A thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thousand, a thous
Latest Rating:8.6
Highest number of likes:31276
area:The mainland China
language:Ordinary Chinese
director:Yippidy yi yippity yay.
blurb:Once the bad boy Song He was influenced by the teacher's determination to become a teacher, change the fate of more underlying students. when he returned to the internship, he was assigned to the 1st class of the Seagulls, becoming the class director of the teachers.
detail:Once the bad boy Song Zhou was influenced by the teacher, determined to become a teacher, change the fate of more underlying students. returning to the internship, he was assigned to the Seagull 1 class, becoming the head of the teachers' class.The teacher's daughter, the temperament of the fire exploded, the teacher's career was full of resistance, but because of the job failure and relentless return to high school, becoming the head of the 18th class of the hanger.The vegetarian teacher vs the students who do not want to change, each other's two groups were forced to live together in the morning afternoon, but also faced with similar concerns with students at the same time, Song Zhou's old classmates, the last generation of the 18th class also entered the society at this time, rented together
remark:Updated 24th
Update time:
2025-02-01 17:39:59