The disappearance of my mother.
actor:CarlottaAntonelli, Benjamim Barez, Bernard Barzani, Salvador Dali, Michelle DeRossi, Martina DeSantis, Lauren Hutton, CandiceLam, Olivia Ross, Andy Warhol
Latest Rating:8.4
Highest number of likes:234171
language:English and Italian.
director:by Benjamim Bares.
blurb:The Disappearance of My Mother is a radical documentary born amid a series of confrontations between a mother eager to liberate herself and a son eager to use the film media to maintain an intimate relationship with her.
detail:The Disappearance of My Mother is a radical documentary born from a series of confrontations between a mother eager to liberate herself and a son eager to use the film media to maintain an intimate relationship. Starting with an intense struggle for personal control, it turns into a project of deep collaboration, a project that tries to correct the damage caused by decades of camera-suppressed eyes. Benedetta Barzini is a respected Italian model, she quietly, unpredictably, picked up her luggage by becoming a journalist and professor, and was notorious for her public criticism of the deep-rooted aversion of the fashion world. But now, when she was over 70 years old, Bazeni's aversion for the image world has deepened into an existentialist crisis. She quietly, unpredicta
remark:Updated HD
Update time:
2024-06-28 02:18:07