A drunk night.
actor:Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh, Shaykh and Shaykh.
Latest Rating:4.7
Highest number of likes:124469
area:Mainland China, France
language:Ordinary Chinese, Canadian
blurb:In Nanjing opened a small bookstore, Wangping (Wu Wei) with his wife Lin (Jianjiang) and the gay man Jiang Qing (Qin Hui) have a mixture. on his husband's behavior suspicious Lin Sheen committed to the sea (Chen Qing) tracking Wangping, found Jiang Qing's trail.
detail:In the Nanjing open little bookstore Wangping (Wu Wi-Fi) behind his wife Lin (Jiang Jiachi) and the gay man Jiang Qing (Qi Hui) have a mixture. the husband's behavior suspicious Lin (Chen Xi Jinping) followed Wangping, discovered Jiang Qing's trail. angry Lin (Jiang Jiang) to Jiang Qing's job tour company trouble, forcing him to break up with his Wang (Jiang Qing). In the process of the three people to go out together, Li Xi Jinping has found in the factory working girlfriend Li Qing (Tan Jiang Qing), but he was in the process of tracking Jiang Qing has a good feeling. in a city, many people, are on the road of feelings.
remark:Updated HD
Update time:
2024-06-29 15:04:31