Explanation of snow.
actor:Shore惠子,佐久间良子,吉永小百合,古手川祐子,伊丹十三,石坂浩二,细川俊之,岸部一德,浜村纯,桥爪淳,小林昭二,小坂一也, 三宅邦子,根岸明美
Latest Rating:6.6
Highest number of likes:74885
language:The Japanese
director:City of Kun
blurb:With the arrival of the new era, the once prominent Kyoto Shogun family slowly began to decline, while the four daughters in the house were still a beautiful landscape in the city.
detail:With the arrival of the new era, the once-prominent Kyoto Yugaon family slowly began to decline, and the four daughters in the house is still a beautiful landscape in the city. Mrs. Heiko (岸恵子饰) upholds the family's reputation, the time to maintain the family's reputation; Mrs. Heiko (佐久间良子饰) character is strongly strong, so that the door son of Heiko (石坂浩二饰) can be seen; the old Heiko (吉永小百合饰) gentle and gentle, but for his marriage is always late and unresolved; the old Four Heiko (古手川祐子饰) personality is open, a comparatively western girl.
remark:Updated HD
Update time:
2024-07-01 15:21:28