Children's Act Video Explanation
actor:Finn Whitehead, Emma Thompson, Stanley Tousey, Nicky Amka-Bird, Ben Chaplin, Jason Watkins, Rupert Van Sittat, Rosie Cavell, Anthony Calv, Stitch Hicks, Nicholas Jones, Irene Walsh, Dominic Carter, Andrew Havill, Michelle Austen, Paul Jason, Heathen Perth, Carl Farrell, Rosie Bull, Laura Pearl DePree, Daniel Ogan, DeBollock, Alex Blake, Alex McLeach, Manuela Maletta, Tyler Hilfiger, Lolo Ferragamo, Andrea Federico, Angela Javanera, Alexandra Boleyn, Ashley-Burton, Ashley-Abu Dhabi, David A.W.
Latest Rating:9.8
Highest number of likes:153630
area:England, United States
director:by Richard Al.
blurb:Fiona Maye, a renowned High Court judge, finds her marriage to her professor’s husband at a breakdown point, and faces a tricky case: Should a leukemia patient under the age of 18 who refuses to receive blood transfusion treatments be forced to survive?
detail:Fiona Maye, a renowned high court judge, and her marriage to her professor’s husband are at a breakdown point, and a tough case stands before her: Should a leukemia patient under the age of 18 who refuses to receive blood transfusion treatments be forced to survive?Maye goes to the hospital to visit the sick boy Adam, a conversation that has had a profound impact on the two, not only giving Adam a new intense feeling, but also inspired Maye’s inner emotions.
remark:Updated HD
Update time:
2024-07-02 13:35:19