The horse explores.
actor:Lena Klemenk, Emilio Saccaria, Milan Pachel, Annie King Salno, Annette Veil, Dieter Halvarden, Natalya Romanova, John von Biel, Amber Hadat, Hans Martin Steele, Vedda Irishin, Rolf Berg
Latest Rating:9.6
Highest number of likes:16822
language:The German
director:by Hanno Odettison.
blurb:Ana (Lena Klenke) is a beautiful 17-year-old girl, unlike other girls of her age, Ana looks very pale and quiet, after all, Ana suffers from a congenital heart attack, cannot engage in any intense exercise, and does not know which day, which moment.
detail:Anna (Lena Klenke) is a beautiful 17-year-old girl, unlike other girls of the same age, Anna looks very pale and quiet, after all, Ana suffers from an innate heart disease, can not engage in any intense exercise, and does not know which day, which moment will be taken away from death. The boring life makes Anna feel very suffocated, gradually losing her enthusiasm for life, until one day, she sees the scene of pure horse running, which is full of life scenes that make her heart can not be calmed, Anna falls in love with the sport. Paul (Diethard Dieter Hervallorden) is an experienced horse rider, he understands how important for Maria is also, and Ana sees the remarkable talent in the race, but is a very intense sportswoman, the body of Maria can bear?
remark:Updated HD
Update time:
2024-07-04 17:09:19